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Alpine Ontario Alpin – Power Hour Recap!

March 2nd marked our first event of 2023! The Fast and Female team was so excited to head up to Collingwood, Ontario to deliver an empowering 90 minute Power Hour workshop to the Alpine Ontario Alpin. Here's a recap of…

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Thank you, Debbie!

It is with mixed emotions that we share with our community that Debbie King, Chair of Fast and Female’s Anti-Racism and Respect Advisory Committee (ARRC), and a member of our Board of Directors has stepped down from her active role…

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Supporter Spotlight: Mat Stiver-Balla

Supporter spotlight: Mat Stiver-Balla’s Giving Group Success Meet Mat Stiver-Balla, a superstar Fast and Female supporter and proud dad who has turned his Ironman training into an opportunity to raise awareness and funds for Fast and Female! Mat’s Giving Group…

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The 5 Ps of Goal Setting

  R.E.A.L. Role Model Samantha Stewart here! I'm an athlete on the Canada Wrestling Lutte national team and have been competing on the world stage for a decade. I also have 3 university degrees in Kinesiology, Psychology, and Counselling. I…

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Role Models: The R.E.A.L Deal

The recently published Rally Report from Canadian Women & Sport and Jumpstart emphasizes the importance of role models for keeping girls in sports. Role Models are at the core of how Fast and Female aims to keep girls healthy and active…

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Fast and Female’s Statement on Anti-Racism

The discrimination and injustice that is happening and has happened to Black people and Black communities is appalling. We stand together in solidarity with the Black community and all those who face injustice and oppression from systemic and individual racism.…

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Empowerment Within

Many athletes look to sport to provide them with sources of empowerment. Scenarios in sport can lead us to look to teammates, coaches, and peers to be those sources, and unfortunately there have been times in my life where sports…

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