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Communications Manager

Your favourite sport/ physical activity

I’m really into yoga and anything cardio-based, however, kick-boxing is an activity I enjoy and would love to do more of!

Your favourite post-workout snack

Chocolate protein shake.

Your favourite pump-up song

Oh that’s a tough one! My music is always in rotation so whatever I am vibing with at the moment that is highly energetic. As a product of the 90s, I grew up around alot of dance music, and it evokes tons of nostalgia for me, so if I had to narrow it down to a genre, I’d probably say 90s Dance!  

What advice would you give your 12 year old self?

Focus on your strengths and talents – everything will work out in the end. 

Who is your role model and why?

My daughter is teaching me how to stop, enjoy the moment for what it is, and remember what truly matters in life. I want to be a positive influence in her life, and whenever I feel myself going off track, I remember that she is the reason I do what I do. She is keeping me in check and motivating me to be the best version of myself. 

How did you first get involved with Fast and Female? Tell your story!

I got involved with Fast and Female in early 2024 when I applied for the Communications Manager position. Truthfully, I had never heard of us before then but was instantly drawn to our mission and values. As someone who is raising a girl, I want her to know that she can achieve or do anything she sets her mind to –  including sports. 

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