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Haley Angus (She/Her), NS – General Member

Sport: Track and Field

What is a personal goal you have for being a part of the Youth Advisory Council?
To share as many ideas as I can!

What is your ideal way to move?
I love doing my sport (track and field) and I also love going on walks with my friends!

What is a quote that has made an impact on you?
“You do not find the happy life, you make it”

Name someone who inspires you and explain why
I would have to say Taylor Swift. She inspires me because as a female in the music industry she has had to overcome so much and has exceeded all expectations in doing so.

If you were on a deserted island, what three items would you bring with you to make you feel happy?
1. A book
2. Music
3. Coffee

Share a fun fact about you! This could be a hobby you have, or even something that no one would guess about you.
I absolutely love to crochet!!

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