“The more women move, the better women feel. Yet, over half of the women are…

#WellnessWednesday – Staying Healthy and Active at Home
Working out at home may not be ideal but don’t let that stop you from taking a new approach to getting active during this time! Taking care of your health, physically and mentally, by exercising and moving your body is very beneficial. Unsure where to start? Here are some ideas to get you moving during this time:
Virtual Movement Sessions
Plenty of fitness trainers and gyms are offering FREE virtual training sessions that don’t require any equipment. Just search “home workout” on Instagram under hashtags and your feed will be filled with moves you can try yourself. Some of our favorites include Lululemon, Rumble Boxing, Pulse Studios, Adidas, and BOKs (great for you and any kiddos!).
Getting Creative – Workout Equipment
Want to create your circuit but don’t have any equipment? You can use household items as weights and exercise equipment! This can include things like laundry detergent jugs (you can keep your empty ones and fill them with water), your pet, bottles or cans of sauce, wine
bottles, and dish towels for foot sliders (for exercises like mountain climbers). A great way to add resistance to any workout moves! Your couch can also make for a great workout tool, where you can do step-ups, elevated push-ups and tricep dips from.
You can find a few more ideas by clicking here.
Get Moving in Other Ways
Getting active doesn’t always have to mean taking your body through an hour workout session. There is a lot of research to support that activities like walking and cleaning can lead to great overall health improvements. This is a time to listen to your body and what it needs, so don’t feel guilty if that doesn’t mean a 1-hour weight lifting session. A friendly reminder that if you do go outdoors to do so in a safe manner, maintaining physical distancing between yourself and others!
Stress and Sleep
If there’s anything you need to prioritize right now, when it comes to your health, make it sleep! Sleep is crucial for just about every aspect of your overall health. During stressful times, it can be hard to manage your stress levels which can lead to sleepless nights. Yoga and meditation are great tools for getting that stress under control. Don’t worry if you have never tried either. Turn to a free app like Headspace or Calm and they will take you through it step by step. Reducing screen time as much as possible before bed can also contribute to having a much better sleep. Give it a try, stay consistent with it and while it may be uncomfortable at first it may well turn into a habit you want to keep around because of the benefits you experience.
Thanks to Lucy Dunne, Fast and Female all-star ambassador and ATB Event Support Coordinator, for providing us with the tips above. You can check out Lucy on her Dunnebells social media and website, for more tips and tricks and access to her online training program! You can also find some sample workouts from Lucy below (click to enlarge!).
Do you have more tips on staying active while being home? Drop them in the comments below or message us on Instagram.
A friendly reminder that it is okay to take time to rest and take care of yourself and your loved ones in other ways! We know that making the adjustment during these times can be tough and disruptive for some. Fast and Female is excited to continue sharing some of our tips, tricks, stories, and experiences. This is Part 2 of a multi-part series. Stay tuned for more!