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Claire Malhiot (She/Her), AB – Programs & Events Liaison

Sport: Hockey

What is a personal goal you have for being a part of the Youth Advisory Council?
A personal goal I have is to strengthen my understanding of the role of representing figures, especially in a volunteer environment. However, I also want to further engage and invoke change regarding the outlook and support surrounding girls in sport.

What is your ideal way to move?
You name it and I’ll try it. As far as team sports go, hockey and softball are my go to’s. But, anything in between that gets me moving is ideal!

What is a quote that has made an impact on you?
“Nothing changes if nothing changes”“Nothing changes if nothing changes”

Name someone who inspires you and explain why
Hayley Wickenheiser inspires me because of her perseverance to break through gender barriers across sport, and commitment to the growth of girls in sport not only in hockey but also in the professional field.

If you were on a deserted island, what three items would you bring with you to make you feel happy?
I would bring some form of sports equipment (or even just a ball!), donuts, and a bucket hat.

Share a fun fact about you! This could be a hobby you have, or even something that no one would guess about you.
I make amazing scones.

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