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Jett Jardeleza-Toole (She/Her), ON – Reporting & Evaluation Officer

Sport: Running 

What is a personal goal you have for being a part of the Youth Advisory Council?
I would like to learn more about being on a council and try to contribute and speak up because I’ve never really had such a high-level important and exciting (volunteer) position.

What is your ideal way to move?
Running, cross country skiing, and cycling outside are all great because I love taking everything in and noticing the city (or country) around me. I also enjoy anything with a team, especially basketball.

What is a quote that has made an impact on you?
I couldn’t think of a quote but these are some mantras I tell myself when I’m feeling a little rocky: You can do it, you’re so strong baby girl, you got this,

Name someone who inspires you and explain why
My mama inspires me because she’s so well-rounded. She’s an incredible athlete, training all the time, but she’s also having fun with it and including others in her athletics. She also works very hard in her professional life, recently taking on new challenges and giving her job her all. While balancing her work and sport, she takes care of everyone and is always on top of the ball. She is such a great person to be around and to me, she is the definition of strong.

If you were on a deserted island, what three items would you bring with you to make you feel happy?
– My overalls because they make me feel like I can do anything.
– My running shoes because they remind me of who I am and all that I am capable of.
– A big bag of snacks because nobody can be happy if they’re hangry and nutrition is crucial.

Share a fun fact about you! This could be a hobby you have, or even something that no one would guess about you.
I worked on a farm this summer. Even though I’ve lived in Toronto my whole life, there is definitely a countryside to me:)

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