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The Great Cookie Trek presented by Girl Guides of Canada, Ontario & Nunavut Council
Over the month of April, Fast and Female hosted a virtual event for the Girl Guides of Canada, Ontario and Nunavut Council, which included over 1600 participants! We worked with Girl Guides Units from across Ontario and Nunavut to celebrate the “Get Active” theme for the month. Over the month of April, girls were encouraged to move in many different ways. They also learned about the importance of being healthy and active. Here is a recap of the month’s events:
Kilometre Goal
For the Great Cookie Trek, Girl Guides set a goal of collecting 28,500 kilometres of movement over the month of April. This represents the number of Girl Guide members across Ontario and Nunavut. Over the course of the month, participants tracked their kilometres to help accomplish this goal. The final number of kilometres tracked was 28,636. Way to go, Girl Guides!
Launch Party
The event started with a Launch Party hosted on Facebook Live. Participants were virtually greeted by Fast and Female REAL (Relatable, Empowered, Active Leaders) Role Models to learn about their physical activity experiences and why being active is important to them. Seven REAL Role Models and one Youth Advisory Council Member joined to share with the Girl Guides, including Debbie King, who hosted the event.
“I do a bit of exercise everyday because it makes me feel good and happy” – REAL Role Model, Jessica Telizyn
The Launch Party was a great way to kick off the month-long challenge and inspire girls to get active.
Digital Kit
Fast and Female created a digital kit of resources to encourage participants to get active. This included an Active Bib for girls to wear during their activities (Picture), empowering colour sheets, an activity conversion chart, and ways to get active for each week. The digital kit gave participants various ways to engage in the Great Cookie Trek and learn about being active.
“Thanks for the tips and motivation on the importance of staying active!” -Participant
Weekly Challenges
In addition to tracking kilometres and learning about new ways to get active, participants were given weekly challenges in the form of a bingo card. Participants received an updated bingo card each week and submitted all of the activities that they completed each week. Some of the challenges included: play hopscotch, compliment someone new, move for 30 minutes in whatever way you like, make a delicious snack and play your favourite song and dance. These challenges had a variety of ways for girls to be active members of their community and be physically active. The most completed activity was finding signs of spring!
“I like being outside and exploring” – Participant
REAL Role Model Appearance
A Girl Guide unit in Ontario had the opportunity to have a REAL Role Model visit and share about Fast and Female and being active. Brittney Gibbs has a background in gymnastics and track and field. In her career, she is a mental performance coach. Brittney always brings her experiences and expertise into everything that she does. Brittney’s talk empowered the Girl Guides group to continue being active!
The Great Cookie Trek was wrapped up by receiving a ribbon and a completion certificate with participants to commemorate their hard work over the month in reaching the movement goal of 28,500 kilometres. Participants all found their way in being active, at home and with their guiding group. To read more, check out the Great Cookie Trek Event Report.
Thank you so much to Girl Guides Ontario and Nunavut Council!
If you’re interested in hosting a Fast and Female Custom Event or another program opportunity for your community or your team, please contact us by filling out this form or emailing us at