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CLOSED: We’re Hiring: Executive Director

Do you share our core values: Inclusion, Empowerment, Fun, Social Change, Be You / Be Real?

Do you want to keep ALL girls healthy and active in sports?

Have solid experience leading fund development and operations for a Canadian registered charity? Join our team!



For girls ages 8 – 14, Fast and Female is a registered Canadian charity that provides researched-based event programming and a safe space to explore new sports and physical activities so that they can stay healthy and active in sports because girls in sports are empowered for life.

Fast and Female is looking for an Executive Director to join us in taking our charity to new levels in pursuit of our mission to keep ALL girls active and healthy in sports. Our Executive Director will hold the pen in designing our future strategies and scaling our current initiatives, including resource development, human resources, leadership and management, fundraising and communications.

We are committed to creating an inclusive and diverse work environment and are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, family status or disability.



Keep ALL girls healthy and active in sports. 



  • Executive Director
  • Reports to Chair of Board of Directors  


  • Transformative Leader and Big Picture Thinker who models the F&F values
  • Experience leading successful fund development for a Canadian registered charity
  • Experience leading operations for a Canadian registered charity


Reporting to the Board of Directors, the Executive Director (ED) will have overall operational responsibility for fund development and philanthropy, internal and external communications, program evaluation and excellence and financial accountability.   This experienced leader will bring a strong background in fund development and operations from a registered Canadian charity organization. 

Deadline to apply for this position is Midnight MT on Sunday, November 22.


Leadership & Management:

  • Ensure ongoing local programmatic excellence, rigorous program evaluation, and consistent quality of finance and administration, fundraising, communications, and systems; recommend timelines and resources needed to achieve the strategic goals set out by the board.
  • Actively engage and organize the Fast and Female team: contractors, role models, board members, event committees, alumni, partnering organizations, and funders (typically pertaining to partnerships, donations, grants).
  • Develop, maintain, and support a strong relationship with the Board of Directors; serve as ex-officio of each committee; offer insights and make recommendations on strategic decisions big and small.
  • Lead, coach, develop, retain and grow Fast and Female’s Leadership Team.
  • Ensure effective systems to track scaling progress, and regularly evaluate program components, so as to measure successes that can be effectively communicated to the board, funders, and other constituents.

Fundraising & Communications:

  • Expand current revenue generating and fundraising activities to support existing program operations and expansion.
  • Create, plan and execute charity fundraising campaigns to support programming expansions.
  • Drive consistency across all communications channels—from web presence to external relations with the goal of creating a stronger brand. 
  • Use external presence and relationships to garner new opportunities.
  • Support the diversification, growth and sustainability of revenue streams.

Operations & Programs:

  • Design and lead operational planning processes for programs to achieve the mission.
  • Advise the board on appropriate KPIs and report regularly on progress.
  • Build partnerships in new markets, establishing relationships with the funders, and political and community leaders at each expansion site.
  • Ensure opportunities for our team to have a local and national presence that publishes and communicates program results with an emphasis on the successes of the local program as a model for regional and national replication.



The ED will be thoroughly committed to Fast and Female’s mission. All passionate, self-directed candidates should have proven leadership, charity fund development, coaching experience, and possess an integral sense of idealism, integrity, positivity, and drive. This a crucial priority — this person will lead/manage the strategy that will bring together research, girls, team, board, donors, etc. — for the betterment of what we can offer to the community.

Specific requirements include:

  • Bachelor’s degree (masters considered an asset depending on field) and at least 15 years of senior management experience. Track record of effectively leading and regionally and/or nationally scaling an outcomes-based organization and team.
  • Experience having developed and operationalized strategies that have taken an organization to the next stage of growth financially (Fast and Female is seeking a 3x operating budget increase to $1 million) and in measurable program impact (Fast and Female aspires to be the most effective program for keeping a girl in sports in the world).
  • Relevant experience in the delivery of quality programs and data-driven program evaluation.
  • Proven excellence and ability in coaching staff, managing, and developing high-performance teams, setting and achieving strategic objectives, and managing a budget.
  • Success working for a registered Canadian charity Board of Directors. 
  • Strong marketing, public relations, and fundraising experience with the ability to engage a wide range of stakeholders.
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills; a persuasive and passionate communicator with excellent interpersonal skills.
  • Multidisciplinary project skills, ability to work effectively in collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders.
  • Action-oriented, entrepreneurial, adaptable, and innovative approach to business planning.

    • Experience leading a Canadian registered charity in fund development specifically
    • Superior project management skills
    • Superior social media platform proficiency
    • Strong financial literacy and decision-making
    • Strong storytelling ability
    • Strong interpersonal/people skills
    • Both extremely organized and adaptable
    • Good comprehension of the Canadian sports system
  • Ability to understand legal and liability issues

  • Lives the values of F&F
  • Passion for both managing people and finances
  • Self-directed
  • Transformational (desire to grow/improve everything and everyone) 
  • Attention to detail
  • Can-do, positive attitude
  • Highly flexible time commitment
  • Honest
  • Conscientious
  • Resilient


  • $58,000 – $66,000

How was this salary range determined?

Our salary research and scale comparison has included external compensation surveys and equitable-pay guidelines that are held in high regard within the Canadian charity network, including that of Charity Village, ONN – Ontario Nonprofit Network, and similar charities as outlined on the Canada Revenue Agency directory.  It has also included research through the CRA website for similar charities  Though this data referenced much larger organizations (300+ employees), we are striving to maintain Fast and Female as part of the industry standard and aim to be on par with these organizations. 

What do other charities of our size offer for this type of role?

The salary midpoint for this position is $62,875 and is a mid-point for charities with revenues up to $500,000.  Our revenues have been approximately $350k so we fall within the middle of the range. 

What other incentives are provided in addition to salary?

In addition to our budgeted salary range of $58,000 to $66,000 for the Executive Director, Fast and Female offers the following perks:

  • 4 Weeks Vacation
  • $1,000 employee benefit allowance plan
  • Up to 5% salary bonus
  • Flexibility in working location though preference is for Toronto or Calgary




Thank you to all who applied. We have been overwhelmed by the response. Those who are selected for interviews will be notified shortly.

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