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Programs Coordinator

Daily tasks include working closely with Program Manager to efficiently work with partners and organizations to create and distribute programs within various communities. 

Your favourite sport/ physical activity

Soccer, running and boxing!

Your favourite post-workout snack

Avocado toast or a fairlife chocolate protein shake from Costco.

Your favourite pump-up song

This changes on a monthly basis, but currently it’s Where You Are by John Summit.

What advice would you give your 12 year old self?

Don’t be afraid to learn and try new things, even if it seems scary at first.

Who is your role model and why?

My dad- he is someone who I always looked up to and had by my side. Whether it was for a track and field meet or the dentist (haha), he was always there cheering me on! He is my number one fan and I will always cherish the sacrifices he makes for me.

How did you first get involved with Fast and Female? Tell your story!

I got involved with Fast and Female over the pandemic when there was support needed with the Inventory in Toronto. After seeing the mission of who Fast and Female is and all the programming we offer, I decided to look into ways of working more with the programs and initiatives and today I am now a Program Coordinator based in Toronto for the organization and have met amazing people along the way.

Your Favourite 2023 Fast and Female Event or Memory

My favourite 2023 memory would have to be the weekly meet-ups with Built to Run and seeing how much of an impact we had on young women in the GTA area. The feedback and conversations I heard weekly, were truly inspiring and made it all worth it. The Built to Run initiative created a community filled with like-minded people and gave an opportunity for the participants to join their first ever race in June!

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