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Kate Muller (She/Her), YT – General Member

Sport: Volleyball

What is a personal goal you have for being a part of the Youth Advisory Council?

Bringing Fast and Female’s values up north and encouraging the continuation of young girls participating in all sports. 

What is your ideal way to move?

Volleyball, basketball, running and hiking! 

What is a quote that has made an impact on you?

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t. You’re right.”

Name someone who inspires you and explain why

Christine Kirk. She is my teacher, trainer, and mentor. She is the fittest person I know who loves to move in any way she can. She was the one who introduced me to the council in the first place and inspires me to do so much more! She has accomplished so much and is always learning new things about the body, how it moves and how to make it the happiest! She supports me to be the best I can be and encourages me every step of the way. 

If you were on a deserted island, what three items would you bring with you to make you feel happy?

  1. A good LONG book, or a forever charged kobo
  2. My dogs Tessa and Ryder, they make me feel at home
  3. A lifetime supply of chocolate!!! 
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