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Toryn Bosanko (She/Her), AB – General Member

Sport: Team Sports

What is a personal goal you have for being a part of the Youth Advisory Council?
To provoke inspiration in my community for girls in sport. To inspire more people to stand up for change.

What is your ideal way to move?
I love to move through team sports. I love to take on upcoming obstacles as a group and a whole. Sport has really made my life what it is today!

What is a quote that has made an impact on you?
“ Do it for the plot”. I found this quote and I feel as though it can mean something different for everyone. For me it means that it’s okay for things not to be perfect all the time and to live life to the fullest.

Name someone who inspires you and explain why
It may sound cliche, but it truly is my mom. She has thought me the lessons that build me to the person I am today. She does things every day, not for herself, but the people around her. She inspires me in so many ways and I am so proud to call her my mom.

If you were on a deserted island, what three items would you bring with you to make you feel happy?
1. my dog Arnie. There would never be a boring moment with him around.
2. Movie ( to be specific, a rom-com or an inspirational sports movie. I could watch both those genres again and again).
3. A fishing rod. For two reasons. A) it can feed you and I love food. B) I love to fish.

Share a fun fact about you! This could be a hobby you have, or even something that no one would guess about you.
I am Canadian and American! I was born in Florida and have lived in Canada for 13 of my 14 years of life!

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