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Statement Against anti-Asian Racism

Over the past year, the pandemic has served to heighten the already existing anti-Asian racism in Canada. Over 1,100 hate incidents targeting Asian-Canadian communities have been reported over the last year alone. Those are just the ones that have been reported. You can read more about the intensified anti-Asian attacks over the past year, and the policy recommendations put forward by the Fight COVID Racism collective in their recent report.

It is not enough to simply condemn these actions, we need to join forces, standing in solidarity with the Asian-Canadian community to be actively anti-racist. Fast and Female was created to tackle the inequalities and systemic barriers for girls and women in sports; however, we are also aware of how these inequalities reach far beyond sport culture and how they affect racialized and marginalized populations more than others.

Please check out ‘Fight COVID Racism’ a collective of organizations working together to create a platform dedicated to tracking and reporting anti-Asian racism and xenophobia in Canada.

To learn more about our newly launch Anti-Racism and Respect Committee, and how we are working to address injustices and oppression and make meaningful change through our organization, check out information on our committee, here.

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